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This page contains letters that come from the heart of the Bridegroom through Sarah's pen. She has been writing since she was 12 years old after a heavenly experience that she had. Abba instructed her to start writing and now more than 7 years later, she is still writing. You are welcome to subscribe to our mailing list where we also send out these messages on email. 
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Sometimes, it is hard to be patient and wait instead of running ahead out of time. Abba’s work is perfect, but you don’t always know how long a specific process He starts in you might take, and that is one of the aspects of fire in hard seasons.


How long…?

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Remember Eden

“I know you long for My voice and I AM not far, I AM just here, deep inside of your innermost being where you have placed Me on the throne of your existence. You never have to grasp, you never have to come to Me as if I AM a distance away. I AM in you, therefore you only have to bring your attention back to Eden, back to spirit, and you will find Me close to you. I love looking at the trees through your eyes, seeing them through your perspective and I love it when you ask Me to show you what life with all its details looks like through My eyes."


The Throne

We hope you had a wonderfully blessed Shavuot in the presence of the Spirit of the living God. We need Holy Spirit so deeply. Without Him we cannot do anything! To me, it feels like I am becoming more and more dependent on Him, or maybe I am just becoming more aware, tasting and seeing that I can do nothing without Him. If He is not at the centre of everything, things are so much less than what they could be in Him.

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Meditation | At His Table | Colour | Part V

I found myself at the His table again. It was a beautiful setting. I became aware of the glorious garden that surrounded us. Everything looked fresh and crisp in the soft light of His presence. I experienced Holy Spirit inviting me to a prayer walk. I waited for Him in prayer. I saw His arm stretching from behind me and in His hand was a beautiful flower that He held out to me. He whispered to me.

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Meditation | At His Table | Part IV

“Come to My table, find rest here at My table. Be refreshed here at My table, for here, the Son of righteousness shines upon you. You don’t have to do anything here at My table, you can just ‘be’ in Me, be with Me. Are you ready to receive from Me? Are you ready to drink in deeply? The atmosphere around My table is not just inviting, it is not just love, it is also truth. You are in the presence of truth, so drink in My truth.

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Meditation | At His Table | Part III

Yeshua spoke, “Before we continue, I want to share something with you. Sit back in your chair and let your heart listen to the One who made you. I AM here with you.”

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Meditation | At His Table | Part II

After Yeshua spoke, He summoned ‘sickness and suffering’ to the table. In my vision, the two of them looked like twins. Their appearance was dreadful and dark. With everything in them, they wanted to draw people as far away as possible from Yeshua...

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Meditation | At His Table | Part I

During my journaling time, the Spirit spoke the following to me… “I want to take you into the fire. The fire I AM referring to is the fire of Song of Songs 8:6-7.”

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Prophecy | I will turn the page

I see a vision of a book. I see that God Himself turns the page. Before me there is a blank, clean page. I see a bride sitting over this book, crying with her head in her hands. It is a deep cry of desperation, fear, despondency, with a flickering of hopelessness. She is tired, she is weary. Her cry is filled with deep emotions that rise from the dark and shadowy places. 

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Sustainable Flow

“It is time to step into a new call, Sarah. It is the call of Daniel and the call of Joseph. This is the hour for the Daniels and the Josephs. They have keys, instruction, wisdom and understanding that I have given them. Walk in it.”

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Follow Up Letter...

This afternoon my husband and I was sitting on the porch looking out over the pomegranate trees. I realized that they are in bloom! Every blossom is a promise of the harvest that will come. Even now in this difficult time where for many, everything is turned upside down, there is a promise of a good harvest that will come. We should not just be focused on what the enemy is doing in this time because in the midst of the storm Yeshua is doing a great and powerful work. 

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20 MARCH 2020

With this message we I want to share a message from Yeshua that I received today which I believe is of great important in this time and season. We also want to share some other exciting news from our side...

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“Do you see what prayer does? It strengthens you and it delights Me. Exercise your spiritual muscles. You can preach and have Me on your lips but not live prayerfully and therefore be spiritually weak. Only I and the angels see the sum of your prayer life. Therefore it is an act of love and not a spiritual duty.

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I am testing the hearts of My children. I am walking in My garden and examining the fruits of My people. The past season has been a time of great release. It was a long season. I released much revelation in the prophetic, especially about the times and seasons. I am looking at the fruit that it has produced and yes it has brought an awakening but some of the fruits of My bride are spoiled. 

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Last night I was awake frequently because of multiple dreams. In one of my dreams I was with my husband. A man looking like a messenger came to me and took me by the arm and said: "Come quickly, you need to see."

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