At His Table
Part II
John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.”
[My conquest is accomplished,
My victory abiding.]
After Yeshua spoke, He summoned ‘sickness and suffering’ to the table. In my vision, the two of them looked like twins. Their appearance was dreadful and dark. With everything in them, they wanted to draw people as far away as possible from Yeshua. One of the dark demonic assignments of ‘sickness and suffering’ was to steal the seed of faith and take it into captivity, causing people to lose sight of Yeshua.
Suffering had a cup in its hands called pain. Sickness, on the other hand, also wore a crown like fear had. The name of sickness’s crown was ‘Pharmacia’. Within the crown I saw drug stores and hospital rooms. The crown was made out of paper money that was rolled up. Around the middle of the crown, a serpent was curled. The crown dripped with horrible smelling blood that smelled like death itself. The crown was a covenant with death. As the angels brought sickness and suffering closer, Yeshua spoke.
At the sound of His voice, suffering gave up its cup. I saw this cup before Yeshua. He took this cup, and He drank from it. As He drank from it, the liquid inside of the cup changed. Where it had been dark and awful, it became a cup of wine, a covenant cup of love. He reached into the cup as if He was reaching into a dark pit and drew out a very thick chain. People were bound to this chain but He took it in both hands and the blood from His hands flowed onto it and then He snapped it with ease. It was as if this chain of pain dissolved within the blood from His hands. Those who had been bound were hurting but then He helped them into His hand, and He took them in His hand, pressing them against His heart, holding them there for some time. The expression on His face was one of deep love and care, tenderness and mercy. While He was holding them, it was like a mother hen that opened her wings for her chicks to find comfort and warmth under her wings during terrible cold. As they abode there under His wings, close to His heart, in His care, His embrace, the shelter of His hand, they healed from the trauma of pain, and they were comforted by the sound they continually heard. They came to know the sound of His heartbeat because they spent so much time near His heart. After some time, He placed them, too, who had gone through the valley of pain, who had to stare suffering in the face, at their prepared place at His table of love. They received crowns of gold instead of crowns of thorns and in the process, suffering disappeared altogether, and I did not see it again.
Yeshua spoke, “You see, My child, I have redeemed pain. In Me, pain and suffering have lost their thorns. You can overcome suffering and pain when you gaze upon Me intently. Seeking My very face in the midst of pain and suffering, until our eyes lock. When they do, you will experience being seated with Me in heavenly places even when you go through the valley of the shadow of death. The only way our eyes will be able to lock, is when you learn to have My mind in the midst of what you are going through, for My mind will keep your mind in perfect peace as your thoughts become My thoughts.”
After He spoke, He held out that same cup to me and said, “Take and drink, My child. Do not be afraid of the cup of suffering, because it has become a cup of love that purifies you.”
After I took a sip from the cup, He spoke again, and sickness was brought forward.
To be continued…