Shalom dear friends,
Herewith the Cultivate audio and video sessions for September 2024. This is a part of our monthly partner subscription, but I wanted to make it available to everyone for this month. If you want to continue with the Cultivate sessions, please visit our partnership page to journey with us.
Love and blessings
Cultivate Video Session September 2024
Cultivate Audio Session September 2024
Partner with Bridal Harvest
Shalom dear friends,
Partner with us through sowing, and reap a monthly Cultivate (MP3) and video session from Sarah as a tool to help you cultivate the Eden within you.
I am excited to let you know that the monthly Cultivate sessions are expanding. From this month of June 2024 you will not only receive an audio Cultivate session as a tool to help you grow in your walk with Abba, but you will ALSO receive a video message from me in which I will share a message that Yeshua puts on my heart for each month. So, if you haven’t become a monthly partner yet, be sure to join us, if you feel led, in order to receive these sessions and videos, as they will not be available unless you subscribe.
You can choose from the following subscription options:
Select a partnering membership subscription option below to go to the Payfast monthly recurring payment setup page.
When you fill in the required info, please provide your email address and not your telephone number so we can email you the monthly Cultivate Mp3 session letters.

Monthly subscription*

Monthly subscription*

Monthly subscription*

Monthly subscription*

Monthly subscription*

Monthly subscription*

Monthly subscription*
What is a Cultivate session?
When you partner with us you will receive a monthly MP3 in your inbox* as a tool to help you cultivate and grow your inner Eden. The heart behind these sessions is to create the time and space for you to drink deeply from the wells of Yeshua’s presence, to walk with Him in the garden in the cool of the day, like Adam did. These sessions are purposed to help you to meditate on Yeshua’s words, washing your innermost being in what He says. It is a tool that you can use in your quiet time to help you synchronise with Abba’s heart. It will help awaken your spirit man to become trained in waiting on Abba and dwelling in his presence. It will stretch your capacity to linger with Him a little longer in the quietness and stillness of his presence. It is an invitation to you to step into the slow but consistent flow of his river in order to cultivate his peace and his presence within you. Life can be busy, and we become rushed and caught up in “to dos” while we become disconnected from “being in Him”. Let’s cultivate our inner gardens together, let’s learn to pause in his presence and let his Spirit flow in and through us, creating within us the desire of our Messiah, to have a people who love his presence.
Find a quiet space where you can linger for a while, and don’t forget your journal… Simply put on the audio and let Holy Spirit take you on a journey into His heart.
I am excited to journey with you as we seek Abba’s presence together.
Love and blessings,
Sarah van Vuuren
important notice
* The Partner Membership donation subscription amounts will be deducted from your bank account monthly. The Cultivate session update emails are sent out twice a month. Once you have received the latest Cultivate email, you can click on the buttons above at any time, and the sessions will be available for you to use, but note that the password for the sessions will change monthly and will be emailed to Bridal Harvest Partner subscribers only. The Partner Membership subscription will not show on your Bridal Harvest website member account unless you contact us to add it manually. Email to bridalharvest@gmail.com for inquiries.
Our Terms and Conditions, Privacy, and Return policies apply to the Bridal Harvest website and can be found at the bottom of the www.bridalharvest.com pages.