Remember Eden
“There is an invitation for My beloved ones to experience Eden rest as in the seventh day. This Eden rest is fellowship, friendship, companionship, shared time and thought. It is what I long for. I long for My bride to walk with Me in Eden rest, like Adam did. Before he lived his life, before he subdued, kept, tended, and did all that I dreamed he would do, he was with Me. We spent the day together, talking, walking, feasting, and enjoying beautiful Eden.
Shalom friends,
It’s our second spring here in Uruguay and I love watching the garden transform day by day. New leaves appear daily as the trees put on their lush, vibrant cloaks with which they will worship their Maker in the summer sun. Speaking about the sun, I am deeply thankful that it is making its appearance more often now. I like winter, but I like when it ends too. My skin longs for light, warm light. The bees are super busy and the ants resume carving their paths through the grass to find food. I am grateful for change that lightens the soul. As I ponder the changing seasons, observing the new green leaves swinging from side to side in the crisp morning breeze through the window, my soul longs for the whispers of my King.
“I know you long for My voice and I AM not far, I AM just here, deep inside of your innermost being where you have placed Me on the throne of your existence. You never have to grasp, you never have to come to Me as if I AM a distance away. I AM in you, therefore you only have to bring your attention back to Eden, back to spirit, and you will find Me close to you. I love looking at the trees through your eyes, seeing them through your perspective and I love it when you ask Me to show you what life with all its details looks like through My eyes.
“There is an invitation for My beloved ones to experience Eden rest as in the seventh day. This Eden rest is fellowship, friendship, companionship, shared time and thought. It is what I long for. I long for My bride to walk with Me in Eden rest, like Adam did. Before he lived his life, before he subdued, kept, tended, and did all that I dreamed he would do, he was with Me. We spent the day together, talking, walking, feasting, and enjoying beautiful Eden.
“There are so many of My children who never experience this Eden friendship, Eden time, just being with Me, no rush, no agenda, no to-do list… just pure joy and peace. It is so easy for you to only know Me as your Judge, your King, your Saviour, but do you know Me as your friend? Do you know Me as joy? I want to tell you something about Myself that you don’t know that well. I love to play. Yes, play! Why do you think children enjoy playing that much? It’s a part of who I AM that I gave children as a gift. Play is part of the Eden life. What do you think I did when I made Adam? Yes, I created the most beautiful, wonderful, gloriously loved man, that is excellent in its design but I also played. I enjoyed the golden mud under My fingernails. When I made the universe, I spoke everything into existence and so it was, but when I made man, I bowed down to the ground under a large and beautiful tree and there, in the shade and in the glory of My Spirit, I started playing in the soil of love. My fingers moved through the soil, piling it up. I didn’t just touch it with My hands, My whole being was involved in moulding, shaping, and forming that which would be most precious to Me. For so long had I dreamt about all their names. For so long My Father heart had longed for children who would sit around My table and drink out of My cup. I deeply desired My children to play around My throne, in the light of My loving laughter and delight over them. How I longed for My children to sing My songs. I anticipated giving My created ones all of the gifts of My Kingdom and when I bowed down and started playing, forming, making, and breathing Adam into existence, My heart’s desire came to life. When Adam opened His eyes, My face was the first thing He saw, My voice was the first thing he heard as I kissed Him with My breath and his heart started beating, I was right there, as close as I could be, gazing at the first of which I had made that looked just like Me.
“My child, when you gaze at the trees through the window, what I see is a heart longing to be in Eden again, where everything is good and beautiful and pure. I tell you, My child, Eden is not far, I AM not far, because when I stepped down into manhood and became like you, when the blood and the water poured from My body, I took Eden and placed it as eternity within your heart. Remember Me, remember Eden, remember who you are and live in the light of that revelation that comes from My heart. Nothing can separate you from My love because there is no distance between us. I want you to practise walking with Me in the Eden within. Breathe in deeply, slow down, take the time, make time to enjoy Me, play with Me in the light of My face and let Me take you back to Eden and make it your home again. My child, I will come again, I will come, and I will make everything right again. I will bring Eden back to earth, but until that day comes, practise ruling and reigning with Me, bringing everything in your life into My Kingdom ways so that it can prepare you. Rest in Me, rest and remember.”