At His Table
Part III
2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not become discouraged [spiritless, disappointed, or afraid]. Though our outer self is [progressively] wasting away,
yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day
by day.
Yeshua spoke, “Before we continue, I want to share something with you. Sit back in your chair and let your heart listen to the One who made you. I AM here with you.”
I sat back into the chair on which I was sitting and took in a position of rest within. “This is good, My child, for you cannot fully receive without being in a position of rest. I want to tell you a truth this day. I want you to look at the process in front of you. You are in this process, and I AM in it with you. In fact, I started the process, and I AM also the One who will complete it. This process is not easy, but it is the very journey of My heart. This process that I AM speaking about is the inward renewal spoken about in My word.”
2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not become discouraged [spiritless, disappointed, or afraid]. Though our outer self is [progressively] wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day by day.
“I want you to enjoy this process. I don’t just want you to bear it while you press on in survival mode. I want you to have fun. I want you to fully receive My thoughts of love over you, right here, in the midst of the process. There where you haven’t yet received the victor’s crown and you feel more defeated than victorious. There where you sometimes feel weary from the journey of enduring and persevering. I AM the well of joy, right here in the midst of your desert. Turn to Me in prayer and drink from My well of joy. It is here, within this process, that you learn to set your mind and keep it set on what I say, instead of what you see, feel and experience. Without this process, you will never truly eat from My table, but you will only use My principles as they are convenient for you. Within this process, we become one. Here, you learn to look beyond the mist and listen beyond the howling winds to find Me in the centre of your being, faithfully sustaining you in and through everything. Here, in this process, ashes become beauty, and mourning becomes joy.
“Are you willing and ready to allow Me to come into ‘seriousness’ and loosen its grip on you? Are you ready to cast down the burdens that you carry? When you face trials, you become so serious, and you forget that I AM joy in the midst. Run your race, My child, but also enjoy the scenery that I have provided for you. Get out of your boat and run with Me on the waters of life. Put your hand in Mine and let go of everything you carry. Free yourself from all the stuff that I didn’t ask you to carry and let it all go. Be with Me. Share time with Me. Come to My table with everything, about anything, and be with Me.
“Here at My table you’ll find victory and freedom. Here is no to-do list. No expectations, no burdens, for the government is upon My shoulders. Linger here for a while, and let this truth wash you. Are you ready to let go of your survival backpack? In order for Me to be what you need? Have you taken a look to see what is in your survival backpack? Ask Me to show you.
“You don’t need any of it. You don’t need false responsibilities like pleasing people, meeting expectations, or being perfect, or even understanding, because they make you serious, they steal your time, and they burden you. Did you know that in Me you are free, even when you are in the desert and you don’t feel free? Whomever I set free is free indeed, and I set all of My children free. Breathe in My freedom and you will clothe yourself in its garments until you feel the freedom moving you into deeper waters without restraint, without limit, without anything holding you captive.
"Enjoy My freedom. It is a gift to you. Unwrap it with faith, enjoy it in prayer as you talk with Me across the table. I am here. My name is: JOY IN THE MIDST."