Meditation | At His Table | Colour | Part V
I found myself at the His table again. It was a beautiful setting. I became aware of the glorious garden that surrounded us. Everything looked fresh and crisp in the soft light of His presence. I experienced Holy Spirit inviting me to a prayer walk. I waited for Him in prayer. I saw His arm stretching from behind me and in His hand was a beautiful flower that He held out to me. He whispered to me.
“This flower is called ‘colour’. I AM colour and I fill your life with glory and beauty and splendour. Give Me anything colourless, pale, or even dark, and I will make it beautiful. I AM the artist of creation, and your life is My canvas.
Invite My light, invite My colours to fill your life so that My creativity can manifest in you and through you. Do you know who I AM? I AM the God of colour. I have never revealed Myself to you in this way before, but it is a part of Me that I want you to know. I want you to see how I pour Myself into everything that you lift up to Me. My anointings, mantles and gifts are all filled with colour. Colour is one of My blessings to you. Use it to worship Me. I AM releasing gifts of creativity in this season, so that you might war and worship with them. It is a love gift to those who come to My table and seek Me.
“Give yourself, your needs, your desires, your issues, your struggles, your questions, and pray. As you pray, colour will come and minister to you and it will deliver you. Just as I filled My creation with glorious colour, so will I fill your brokenness with colour. Colour might come in the form of a new-born, it might come as a new habit, a new passion, or a new dream. Embrace it when it comes, because every good gift comes from Me. The mantle I am releasing is the multi-coloured mantle of Joseph. It is filled with colour, different colours.”
I see vegetable gardens filled with colour. I see flower gardens, I see people painting, writing books, singing, and dancing. I see people starting Kingdom businesses that flow from ideas they have received from Abba under this multi-coloured Joseph mantle.
“I AM releasing double-portion blessings. You will find yourself overflowing with colour. Don’t be overwhelmed, because it will come quickly and unexpectedly. You might feel as though you do not know where to start but I ask you to do what you do, prayerfully. Stay in prayer continually. Train yourself to do and pray at the same time. This ensures that you stay connected to My Spirit, in a place of communion, intimate fellowship. Your call is not to do but to abide in the Vine. Keep on abiding and you will find yourself in My fullness. You will find yourself drinking from a cup that overflows. My table is filled with colour. Do not be discouraged or dismayed if you find your mind in a grey zone. Don’t become heavy when you feel your emotions are filled with dark shades and shadows. I will bring you out of the shadows, out of the grey zone, out of the grave, and your dead, dry bones will be filled with the colour of abundant life. Bring the canvas of your thoughts, your emotions, your words, your beliefs, your dreams, and your passions, and I will meet you in it. It will become filled with the colour of Heaven, the colour of My heart.
“Bring your canvas to My table and meet colour, for here I will pour My creativity into you. Here, I resurrect dreams and faith that have died. Here, you will receive your purchased portion, just stay at My table.”