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Shalom | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

Shalom | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

Shalom by Rion & Sarah van Vuuren is the last song of the album 'I will carry you'. Our spirits are filled with YHVH’s shalom, which is so much more than just peace. Our souls, however, are like vulnerable waters that easily get stirred up by the waters of difficulty, trials, and just the plain day-to-day things of life here on earth. We all have to practise becoming one with His shalom through making it our tangible reality as we let it flow from His Spirit into our spirits, right through to our souls and into our bodies. Then we are able to manifest that shalom in any circumstance in life. Instead of being shaken, moved, troubled, upset… we will dwell secure, in Him. This isn’t something that can take place apart from His Spirit, we must be in vital union with Him. When we are triggered, we lose shalom and our waters become cloudy because of our turmoil. This song is about releasing a cry for YHVH to restore our shalom. It is a call to remember to live from a place of covenant with YHVH, where His shalom calms our waters and causes us to remain in a place of union with Him. May we all practise shalom together as we desire to become one with YHVH SHALOM. Within that place, we are able to trust, we are able to abide, and be who He created us to be. There, we can be real, without trying to be more spiritual, more ‘right’, more righteous through our own efforts, based on how we feel. There, you don’t have to let feelings define you, but you can simply be. We don’t have to strive after shalom. We don’t have to grasp anxiously to feel something that we don’t have. YHVH Shalom is inside of us. We just need to become quiet and cultivate shalom moments. That seed of shalom grows and becomes a tree whose leaves never wither and whose fruits never fail. Take moments to sit in the presence of YHVH Shalom and breathe His peace into the situations and realities in your life that lie to you. We bless you with this song! May YHVH’s shalom increase in all of us as we bring everything to His feet that tries to steal, kill and destroy the reality of who He is inside of us. Connect with Bridal Harvest Ministries: Website: Facebook: Download the Bridal Harvest App on the App Store and Google Play App Store. Copyright © 2023 Bridal Harvest. All rights reserved.
I Will Carry You | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

I Will Carry You | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

Thoughts about the song Sometimes you have to release something that you are holding on to, in order for you to experience Yeshua carrying you. We were never meant to carry burdens that aren't ours to carry. Our Shepherd not only wants to carry us, He wants to carry our burdens too. He wants to carry that what makes you heavy, weighs you don't and that which steal your peace and joy. Instead of holding on to fear, stress, anxiety, worries and tension in difficult hours of fire, we ought to hold on to His promises.  What have you been carrying that isn't yours to carry? Is your peace and joy intact or has it gone into captivity? What is the promise that Yeshua is whispering into your heart? Ponder over this as you listen to the song. When we let go of things we shouldn't carry, we stop worrying about it and fear fades, joy and peace returns and hope flourishes as you lie back in the arms of the One who is able sustain you. May that part of you that is tired or anxious, the part of you that has unanswered questions, come to rest in His arms. Even if there is no clear word from Him, no conclusion, no closure, no verdict, no outcome, no way, no answer... rest in the in-between because He is on His way with you, He will carry you. He is worth trusting, worth holding on to, worth relying on because He is YOUR Shepherd. He didn't just carry the Israelites on eagles wings through the Exodus. He is also your personal Shepherd who will give you a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Let His promises and His Word become personally yours as you journey with Him through the valleys, the high places, the pits, the harvests, the depths and the victories... through all of it He will carry you.
It Will Be Okay | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

It Will Be Okay | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

Song | It Will Be Okay Album | I will Carry you - Through the Darkest Valley Artist | Rion & Sarah Van Vuuren I would like to share with you a little bit about the story behind the song and also behind the video that goes with the song… Some time ago I went through a very difficult season on many different levels. It is in this season that all the songs were birthed. One day I was crying out to Abba in desperation and despair and then I heard Yeshua singing this song over me. He was assuring me that it will be okay. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where everything doesn’t feel okay and you are hard pressed on every side. In times like these, we need Abba’s voice to guide our emotions. We need Him to breathe His truth into our weak bones so that we can arise to worship Him in the midst of suffering. The video of this song shares exactly this. Recently we had to say goodbye to a dear friend of ours. She was a mother of 6 and truly an inspiration to me. I learned a lot from her and honestly I would never be the same after witnessing what Abba did in and through her life. Her journey caused me to see a side of YHVH’s face that I have never seen before. I am deeply thankful that Abba took us all through this dark valley together. There is so much beauty and glory and truth that came from it. Our dear friend’s first born who is now 17 years old shares her journey and her struggle through the music video, but also the beauty of learning to worship through it all. She had to say goodbye to her mom and learn to trust Abba although it is hard not to question His character in such situations. She embraced Abba’s words when He said ‘It will be okay’. Learning to worship Him in the midst of turmoil is what helps us to overcome and receive healing from Him. In that worship you are able to release all of your questions, your broken emotions, the hurt and pain, doesn’t matter what it looks like in your life. There is a place, a place of worship in Abba beyond what we see, what we feel, what we think and I feel Abba is calling us into that place more than ever before. We need to learn to worship Him in and through everything because that is where our own healing begins. Hilde-Marie chose to dance before her King instead of staying on a heap of ashes. I myself had to learn in a much deeper way to worship Abba in the midst of deep fire. I want to invite you today to do the same. What fire do you face? In the midst of fear rising inside of you, worship! In the midst of questions and struggles, worship! Worship when you can see and worship when you cannot see. Worship when you feel like it and worship when you don’t feel like it. Worship because YHVH is God and know that in Him there is healing for you. He is the God who heals, who cares, who binds up our wounds and breathes life into our dead situations and our dry bones. I have seen Him do this over and over again. A few nights ago, I had a dream where I was sitting at a table with people. I shared the following message with them. “I have gone through many different trauma situations in my life, each one wanting to leave a mark of fear in my life, in order for me to believe that God cannot be trusted, He doesn’t care, He isn’t love… every time in each of these situations, I kept on and on seeking Him until He showed me His heart in and through it all, and through that He brought healing and wholeness. He will keep on doing this as we keep on seeking Him and seeking Him until He personally breaks through for you.” Please take this message to heart today. Stay with Him, seek Him in your pain and difficulty until He breaks the fallow ground because HE WILL. He always does, even if it sometimes takes time. Keep on seeking Him.
I AM ON MY WAY WITH YOU | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

I AM ON MY WAY WITH YOU | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

If you were a sailor, alone deep in the ocean and there was a storm, a hurricane, more intense than you've ever experienced. You were cold, and lost, it was dark and you heard war horns blasting on all sides of the ship, because although you felt alone, you were not completely alone, there was an enemy there, surrounding you. It was raining and the winds blowing, you were soaked and desperate for deliverance. You would cry out to the God who made the sea, who has calmed storms before. You kept on crying out but you became weak and your call became distant, filled with hopelessness as you didn't see Him coming, you did not hear His direction and you battled believing that maybe you were not the apple of His eye after all... This song, tells you what He replies out of the storm. He is speaking to YOU! Hear Him, believe Him.   The song is about meeting God in the depths of your life. In the low places. In the dark places. In the empty spaces of despondency, when you are tired and fight hell's perspective on what you see playing out in front of you. This song is about lifting up your head with hope that Abba's got you in His hand, although you might feel like you are drowning in questions, in fear and in weakness. This song is about the cry of desperation that arise when you find yourself not knowing what to think and what to believe about who Abba is. God is not just in the harvests, He is there when the seed dies and it doesn't have much hope to live, never mind be fruitful. He is there, watching, whispering. He is present but we won't see Him, we won't hear Him unless we meet with Him and believe Him when He says that Harvest time will come again, it might not be today and it might not be tomorrow, it might take longer than that, but He will lead you there. This song is about those moments when you feel like you are at the end of your rope and there isn't much left. You're tired of waiting, tired of feeling the way you do, tired of thinking the way you do, and you don't seem to succeed in choosing life, or so the enemy tells you. Those times that your heart is so heavy that the spirit of death tries to steal your breath. This song, and every song that will follow comes from the place where fear starts getting physical with you, because you've entertained fears lies for small moments of thinking. When fear gets physical, your body loses it's rhythms of life. Your heart does not beat as it should, your breath gets empty and lifeless, you shiver like you are deep in the winter, surrounded by snow. This song is about those moments when you are surrounded by dark voices who lie to you and you start to become confused, just because you dared to listen. Fear tries to tell you, this is the end but it's nothing but a lie. It's nothing but false evidence appearing to be real.  We have been there and from that place, we cried out for YHVH to rescue us, we cried out to Him to save us and He did. He led us out of the storm that we were in and brought us to a place of being still, a place of trusting beyond what you see and what you feel.  Maybe you haven't been 'there' or maybe you have. We can testify that God is in the depths, there where no one else is and He wants to show us who He is, but there are only few who are able to buy that midnight oil from Him. He is calling for His bride to worship Him in the night hours of sorrow and suffering, in order to buy oil from Him. Without this oil, we won't see the Bridegroom face to face and hear Him say- "You've finished well faithful one."  This song is a cry to meet God in the low moments of your life, and to hear what He says to you there. Don't neglect buying oil in the night seasons, because that oil is the way we met Him in our darkest hours. Without that oil, you won't be able to stay awake in faith when the night gets rough and the wait long.
Beginning and End | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

Beginning and End | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

One morning a few months ago I had a dream which inspired the lyrics to this next song that we are releasing today called- Beginning and End.  In the dream a man was singing to a very large crowd of people. Many did not know the artist but they were drawn to the music. I was watching everything playing out before me. I knew that the artist of the beautiful music was Yeshua but many others did not know that it was Him. Before He started singing a new song He spoke a few words. He was saying that He wasn't okay with the condition that the world is in. He wasn't okay with the state of many peoples hearts. He was calling out for change. While He was speaking there were people who realised that it was Yeshua while other just continued in carelessness, not really bothered by what He was saying. While I was listening to Him, I had this deep deep knowing inside of me that He was about to sing His last song. It moved me so deeply because many thought that He would just always sing more songs. He started singing this last song and the words that He sang was- I AM THE BEGINNING AND I AM THE END, I AM THE FIRST AND I AM THE LAST... as I woke up from the dream I immediately wrote down the lyrics of the song called- Beginning and End.  Through this dream I had this deep awareness in my spirit that Abba is starting to release His last songs to His people. We are in a time of last warnings, last calls... Many will awaken and many will continue to live veiled and carelessly. We need to listen to His song, His sound and give ear to it, respond to it in worship. He is the beginning and He is the end. When you realise that you are spirit, created in God's image and that you were not just created to live a superficial, fleshly life but that you were made for God's garden, the place of intimacy and glory, then you are able to come face to face with THE Beginning. We meet the Beginning in the garden of His presence and that is where we get to know Him, and love Him. What about the End, because He is the end too... How do we get to know Him as the end? We get to know Him as the end through being zealous for Him, expectant, waiting, anticipating and preparing... For what do we prepare? Do we prepare for the end times? NO, we prepare ourselves for HIM because in the blink of an eye we will stand before the Ancient of days, and all He will want to know is whether we knew Him, whether we overcame because of Him, whether we loved Him more than we loved our own lives. My question to you is, are you in a relationship with the Beginning and the End? Is He your beginning and your end? Don't miss His song which is a cry for you to stop and remember who He is. God is holy and there is none like Him and the best of it all, the artist of life is in love with YOU, He is waiting for YOU. You have received an invitation from the Beginning and the End, to meet Him in His garden, meet Him at the door of covenant and wait for Him seekingly until He comes to meet you personally and whispers His song into you.  Finally, we would like to share some Scripture with you that highlights the lyrics of this song.  Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end. Revelations 1:8  “I am the Alpha and the Omega [the Beginning and the End],” says the Lord God, “Who is [existing forever] and Who was [continually existing in the past] and Who is to come, the Almighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all].” Matthew 25:10 But while they were going away to buy oil, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut and locked . Revelations 3:18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold that has been heated red hot and refined by fire so that you may become truly rich; and white clothes [representing righteousness] to clothe yourself so that the shame of your nakedness will not be seen; and healing salve to put on your eyes so that you may see. 1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at [the sound of] the last trumpet call. For a trumpet will sound, and the dead [who believed in Christ] will be raised imperishable, and we will be [completely] changed [wondrously transformed].
Caregiver | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

Caregiver | Rion & Sarah van Vuuren

This song was inspired by Scripture. Abba's Word is a comfort and a shield in times of hardship. His Word uplifts and brings light and life. I had been crying out to Abba when I found myself at the end of a season, and He gave me Isaiah 46 as a deep encouragement. As you know, the whole theme of this album is the fact that Abba is the One who carries us. It is His promise to us and we can clearly see this promise in Isaiah 46... “Listen to Me,” [says the Lord], “O house of Jacob, And all the remnant of the house of Israel, You who have been carried by Me from your birth and have been carried [in My arms] from the womb ,4 Even to your old age I am He, And even to your advanced old age I will carry you! I have made you, and I will carry you; Be assured I will carry you and I will save you.5 “To whom would you liken Me And make Me equal and compare Me,That we may be alike? “Remember [carefully] the former things [which I did] from ages past; For I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is no one like Me,10 Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, And from ancient times the things which have not [yet] been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will do all that pleases Me and fulfill My purpose,’11 Calling a bird of prey from the east, From a far country, the man (Cyrus) of My purpose.Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, be assured I will do it. We serve a covenant keeping God who will carry us through everything, every season, every beginning and every end. He knows the begging of everything and He knows the end of everything. Beginnings can be exciting while the end of something can spark fear, because 'what comes next'? Sometimes we don't know what the next chapter looks like and we struggle to see His purpose here and now. God however, is there, at the end with us, He knows all about endings and He is the One who carries us through them, because in Him there is always a new beginning, a hopeful future. He has a plan and a purpose and He will accomplish it in the lives of those who trust Him. Job 14:7-9 “For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth, And its stump may die in the ground, Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant. This song is for that moment when the enemy tells you, it's over, you've reached the end... We can rebuke him confidently knowing that even though we can be cut down like a tree and things can look pretty 'dead'... God can make things bloom again, He can make YOU bloom again because He is carrying you. Meditate on this Scripture for a while... Think about what He is saying. We have never had to carry Him, yet He has always carried us, from the womb even to our old age, He cares for us. He is constantly present, He doesn't move, He doesn't change although we go through beginnings and we face ends, He knows it all and still His purpose stands. He is God and there is no one like Him! If you are in a desert, be assured, the God who carries you, will make your desert bloom again. If you are in a cold winter, be assured, spring will come again, there will be growth, there will be good harvests because you belong to Him, He will care for you because that is who He is, our Caregiver!
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