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Choose from the selection of eBooks or Audio below. After you have selected your item and made your purchase, go to the eBooks Members or Audio Player page where you can access your subscription. (Read our Terms and Conditions)
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By Bridal Harvest
Shama Journal eBook (English)
265RThe newly revised version of the English Shama book, by Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Shama Journal eBoek (Afrikaans)
265RThe newly revised version of the English Shama book, by Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
School of the Spirit eBook
265RBack to the Garden - Spirit, Soul & Body. By Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Closer Album (Audio)
50RThrough the pathless wilderness. By Rion & Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Stream and listen online on the Bridal Harvest Media Player.
I will Carry You Album
0RBy Rion and Sarah van Vuuren.Free PlanAt His Table Audio
0RBy Rion & Sarah van VuurenFree PlanJubilee Audiobook (English)
50RBy Sarah van Vuuren and narrated by Lize Wiid.ÂJubilee Audiobook (Afrikaans)
50RBy Sarah van Vuuren and narrated by Lize Wiid.ÂCloser eBook (English)
115RThe key is called the good part. By Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Nader eBoek (Afrikaans)
115RDie sleutel word genoem die goeie deel. Deur Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Priesterlike Bruid eBoek
75ROprig van ‘n eindtyd Bruids Tabernakel as ‘n Koninklike Priesterskap. Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Trumpets to Tabernacle Album (Audio)
50RA journey back to the garden. By Lize Wiid & Sarah Jubilee.Â- Stream and listen online on the Bridal Harvest Media Player.
Shama Album (Audio)
50RThe Lifestyle of a true worshipper. By Lize Wiid & Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Stream and listen online on the Bridal Harvest Media Player.
Priestly Bride eBook
75RRising up the end time bride tabernacle as a royal priesthood. Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Something in that Moment Album (Audio)
50RBy Lize WiidÂ- Stream and listen online on the Bridal Harvest Media Player.
Sound of the Bridegroom Album (Audio)
50RBy Lize WiidÂ- Stream and listen online on the Bridal Harvest Media Player.
Shama Journal eBook (German)
350RThe newly revised version of the German Shama book, by Sarah van Vuuren.Â- Unlimited time until canceled*
Important Notice: that the online eBooks is a pdf and there is no flow-able text functionality available. The Contents page numbers in the eBooks are interactive and will take you to the relevant chapters. The eBooks and Audio can only be accessed on the Bridal Harvest website and must always be connected to an active internet connection.
Our Terms and Conditions Policy applies to all products on the Bridal Harvest website and can be found on the Terms and Conditions Policy on this website.
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